Covid regles sanitaires PROTOCOL Covid-19 Dear Madam, Dear Sir, Dear Patients,In the continuity of the efforts undertaken by the departmental order of dental surgeons, the dental office of Dr. Bensahel takes all the necessary measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and to continue our essential mission of public health.Our dental office is a safe place and used to managing the risk of infection on a daily basis. The usual hygiene measures will be adapted to the emergence of this new virus because the safety of our patients is essential to us.Please take the time to read this document which will inform you of how you will be received in consultation in the coming weeks and return the completed questionnaire below by e-mail to our secretariat.Although we do everything possible to ensure that our practice is as safe as possible, it is essential that you take the following preventive measures when you come to the practice, for the health of everyone. PROTOCOLE COVID-19 Dear Madam, Dear Sir, Dear Patients,Dans la continuité des efforts entrepris par l’ordre départemental des chirurgiens-dentistes, le cabinet dentaire du Dr Frédéric Roulant prend toutes les mesures nécessaires afin de prévenir la propagation du COVID-19 et de poursuivre notre mission indispensable de santé publique.Our dental office is a safe place and used to managing the risk of infection on a daily basis. The usual hygiene measures will be adapted to the emergence of this new virus because the safety of our patients is essential to us.Please take the time to read this document which will inform you of how you will be received in consultation in the coming weeks and return the completed questionnaire below by e-mail to our secretariat.Although we do everything possible to ensure that our practice is as safe as possible, it is essential that you take the following preventive measures when you come to the practice, for the health of everyone. The practice will provide you with : Overshoes An overblouse A charlotte Take your temperature regularly in the days preceding your visit to the clinic Take a pen with you if you have documents to sign You must wear a mask when you enter the practice. Do not come accompanied Remember to check if a message from the practice has been sent to you Arrive at the right time (neither early nor late) Disinfect your hands with hydro-alcoholic gel when you arrive at the surgery Do not shake hands